This beautifully restored traditional sailing vessel was originally launched in 1925 after being built to the same plan as the original “Spray”, the boat used by Joshua Slocum to become the first person to circumnavigate the globe. Covering more than 46,000 miles between April, 1895, and June, 1898. She is now thought to be the oldest Spray replicas sailing in Australia and possibly the world.
It was December 1896 when Spray's original owner met Capt Joshua Slocom in Melbourne. At the time, Capt Slocom was on his way to becoming the first solo circumnavigator and agreed to provide his yacht's blueprints to have a replica made 'in the Antipodes'. This replica yacht, with modifications undertaken in the 1940s due to an altercation during a storm with Melbourne's Brighton Pier, is Spray of the Coral Coast. "We have so much of her memorabilia. 'The Age' newspaper article of 23 December 1896 announcing the arrival of Capt Slocom in Melbourne, photographs of Spray dating back to the 1920s, the first contract of sale in February 1933 for 250 pounds. She tells a marvellous story."
"Spray has had two lives already, the Melbourne storm and the Bundaberg flood of January 2013." While roped off to a pontoon in Burnett River, Spray was hit by another yacht and taken out to sea. While still attached to the pontoon, we saw her dangerously close to rocks at the river mouth. The river was running at over 25 knots and like so many other boats, she should have ended up on the rocks. It was heart breaking watching and waiting for the inevitable. But miraculously she found her way into the channel and headed out to sea. I remember an old timer saying that Joshua Slocom's good angel had taken her out to the safety of the sea." Spray was found a couple of miles off the coast, taking on water but still roped to the pontoon.
"Her first refurbishment occurred throughout 2007 so that we could commence charter operations the following year but subsequent health problems got in the way. It would be nearly 5 years before we would again be ready to start the business but then the flood hit us And so began our second effort at restoring this grand old lady of the sea to her former glory. We made all the below-waterline repairs in Bundaberg and then sailed her down to Mooloolaba in 2013 to complete her restoration." Says previous owner’s Randell and Diane.
The Spray underwent a full refit including many new additions as well as an extensive commercial survey assessment in 2020 before her relaunch in Mooloolaba as a passenger carrying vessel.
With all the hard work now well and truly behind them, Simon and his crew are honoured to keep this iconic part of maritime history alive and provide a unique tourism experience here in Mooloolaba.
Spray of the Coral Coast was listed in the national Australian Maritime Museum in 2021 as a heritage vessel.